Welcome to my life
My name is Emily Ann Rodriguez, and I’m a 25-year-old woman living in Omaha, NE. I work full-time as a nursing assistant in the ICU at Methodist Hospital and part-time as a server at Let It Fly Sports Bar. Like many others in their mid-twenties, I have big aspirations, but I’m still figuring out which path is truly meant for me.
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a doctor. So, what did I do? I went to PA school. My grades in high school were exceptional, and my interviewing skills were top-notch. I even got into the UNMC High School Alliance program the year before starting college. I’ve always been driven by the idea of achieving great things, but I assumed taking the first steps was enough.
My downfall has always been the follow-through. Once I start a journey, seeing it through becomes the challenge. In my late teens and early twenties, homework and studying didn’t rank high on my list of priorities (shocker). When COVID pushed PA school online in 2020, I used that as an excuse to drop out. My grades were already slipping due to my lack of motivation, so the transition to remote learning felt like the perfect opportunity to bail.
Fast forward a few years, I spent my time working at various bars, living paycheck to paycheck, and embracing the mantra, “Money will always come back.” Spoiler alert: this mindset landed me in significant debt with no savings to show for it. By the summer of 2024, I was almost evicted and ended up moving in with my grandparents.
So, where am I now? Still figuring things out. I could go to nursing school or focus on growing my new business and one day owning a bar. I don’t have all the answers, but wherever life takes me, I know I’ll have fun along the way.
One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I’m someone who has to learn the hard way. No advice or guidance from others has ever stuck unless I experienced the consequences firsthand. I grew up in a household where boundaries weren’t allowed, which shaped me into the people-pleaser I’m trying to unlearn today. At 25, I’m finally discovering how essential boundaries are and how to establish them in my life.
For most of my life, I didn’t know my values, goals, or even what made me happy. I didn’t know myself. The girl I was inside was constantly silenced—told how to act, what to want, who to befriend, and how to fit into everyone else’s expectations. Now, I’m on a mission to find her.
This blog is part of that journey. I want to show anyone reading this that it’s never too late to recreate yourself. It’s never too late to “rebrand.” I’m here to share my struggles and the lessons I’m learning along the way, hoping they inspire others to take control of their lives.
I’ve started my healing journey, and part of that has been going no contact with my ex, who abused me for five years. I’m no longer ashamed to admit what I endured. In fact, I see it as something I needed to experience to become the woman I am today. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’ve been asking the hard questions: Why didn’t I think I deserved better? Why didn’t I stand up for myself? Why didn’t I leave sooner?
As I unpack those questions, I’m realizing how much my early experiences shaped my view of love. My mom, who had me at 14, often searched for love in chaos. I grew up believing love meant fighting, yelling, crying, and staying no matter what. I thought my worth came from being “loved” by a man.
But I know better now.
I’ve officially been single for a year, and while I had brief post-breakup flings with my ex, I haven’t spoken to him in four months. That may not sound like much, but for me, it’s a huge milestone. The best part is, I don’t want him back this time. I know I deserve so much better.
For the first time in my life, I’m focused solely on myself. I no longer seek validation from others or attention from a relationship. Instead, I’m building a relationship with myself. I’m trying new things, discovering what makes me happy, and enjoying this chapter of life for what it is.
I know in my heart that I’m destined for amazing things, and with time, they’ll come. For now, I’m following my own path and enjoying the ride. I hope you’ll join me on this journey.
Best Regards,
Emily Ann <3